ScrollMaster ------------ Short description ----------------- ScrollMaster is a shareware program and an easy to use MS-Windows desktop utility that makes scrolling easier and reduces arm movement. Scrolling is performed on the window that is underneath the ScrollMaster-window. If no effect, try to move the ScrollMaster-window a bit inside the window where scrolling wants to be performed. Installation ------------ Download/copy/place ScrollMaster files (scrollma.exe, scrollma.ini, drbuttox.dll, readme.txt) to wherever you like. All the files must stay in the same directory. Works right away. No extra installation needed. Suggested storing directory: c:\scrollma ScrollMaster does not touch other MS-Windows files (like ini-files etc...). Developer --------- If you find the program useful, send $10 or equivalent or closest equivalent note to: Jarle Pettersen, Skullerudveien 57, 1188 OSLO, NORWAY. Payment will allow for continuously use of ScrollMaster for one user. Users are encouraged to pay to ensure future maintenance of the program. Users that decide to stay anonymous are also welcome to pay. Comments/Suggestions and voluntary registration: Internet: Fax: +47 22745059 Compuserve: 100420,474 Feel free to copy, distribute and share this program with new users. When distributing, the following 4 files must stay together: - scrollma.exe - scrollma.ini - drbuttox.dll - readme.txt Longer description ------------------ ScrollMaster performs scrolling on the window that is below the scrollbox. For scrolling to be possible, the underlaying window must have scrollbars and the scrollbars must be of type 'ScrollBar'. Scrollbars in MS-Windows is not always of type 'ScrollBar' even if they look like scrollbars. Scrollbars in LOTUS123 and MS-Word is an example on this. For scrolling to be possible in programs like this, the scrollbar-type must be registered in the ScrollMaster ini-file. This is done by entering the scrollbar-type on the line outside the text 'ScrollBar'. On this line there will always be entered 2 other scrollbar- types: OpusRSB and 123WScrollBar. If the user enters a program where ScrollMaster does not work, and the user is able to find out the scrollbar-type, the scrollbar-type can be registeret outside the line 'ScrollBar' in the ini-file. Scrollbar-types must be entered with a space in between. Doing this there is a great possibility that scrolling will work in the program. If scrolling still will not work or user does not has access to the information about the scrollbox-type, write to Jarle Pettersen. Remember to state the name and version no. of the program where ScrollMaster does not work. Known anomalities ----------------- When running MS-Powerpoint (ver 3.0) the program enters GP- Fault when using ScrollMaster. We believe that this is due to a memory/stack problem in Powerpoint and not a problem in ScrollMaster. ScrollMaster uses only documented MS-SDK routines, and Powerpoint failes when receiving a perfectly legal 'PostMessage'- command. In the errorsituation Dr.Watson (Microsoft product) reports that ES- register is NULL, which is illegal in the circumstances. Powerpoint executes a Local or Global Reallocation of memory when receiving the 'PostMessage' and the error occur in MS-Windows USER.EXE library. Program description for Internet and BBS supervisors. ----------------------------------------------------- ScrollMaster. Scrolling picked from a compact topmost window.